Friday, February 13, 2009

wishlist talking belly

I love that you can add anything from any website to your Amazon Wishlist now. If you can't tell (click on my amazon wishlist button on the right-hand column), I've been going a little crazy with it. Finally, I can put things from all my favorite sites on ONE wishlist! Not that it does me any good whatsoever... I just like the feeling of consolidation.

These days, Tiegan does not. SHUT. UP. from the time she wakes until the time she falls asleep. I'm hardly exaggerating. She even whispers herself to sleep sometimes. My ears get very tired. I'm trying to implement some sort of "quiet time" each day. And she's in that phase where every 5 minutes: "Hey mommy..."

My belly seems to have popped up out of nowhere. When I hunch over, my boobs touch my belly and my belly touches my legs. What the... I'm still only 5 months along, right??

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