Saturday, February 21, 2009

Bloody Nose, Logic & Attitude

What is it, Day #3? And I'm still socked in. This is the weirdest "cold" I've ever had. I put quotes around "cold" because I don't think it's a common cold but I'm not sure what else it could be. I started out with what felt like a sinus infection and now it's rapidly moving down into my chest.

And did I mention I'm getting bloody noses from my nasal spray?

Too bad my nephew's 2nd Birthday party is today. I would be so upset to miss it, but I don't want to share whatever this is with him and the whole fam. I did already see him and my sis last night, but they have family coming in from out of town and how awful would it be to share with all of them?


I think I am starting to figure out where Tiegan inherits some of her traits from. Jason often pokes fun at me for making no sense (mostly when I'm pregnant - I swear my brain flips upside down and backwards when I'm growing a baby). And I poke right back at him for having an attitude.

1. Yesterday, as Tiegan was crashing on the couch at naptime, she asked me to turn the TV off because it was hurting her eyes. So I did. Once she was out, I turned my show back on. When she woke up [2 hours later], the first thing she did was SCREAM at me: "HEY, I TOLD you to turn the TV OFF!!"

2. This morning during breakfast, Tiegan said, "I'm cooold. Can I have something warm to drink?"
So naturally, I said "well finish up your breakfast and hop under the blanket!"
Her reply: "But if I finish all my breakfast can I have some ice cream?"
Um... I thought you were cold?

She must get her logic from me. And her attitude from Jason.

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