Saturday, February 14, 2009

Top Heavy.

After everything was finally thawed out and melted... we got snow for Valentine's Day.

Great day to stay inside (check), watch a movie (check), cuddle up with your lovies (check) and take a nap (check). And it's only 2:30!

Thankfully the snow's not sticking to our driveway or the long walkway from the car to the back door, so we don't have any shoveling to do. Er... Jason doesn't have any shoveling to do. There will be no "we" in shoveling until next winter, thank God!

When he gets home from work, he'll be bringing some Rudy's with him. Poor gals, I hope he tips them well. If you don't know Rudy's, it's a cute little retro drive-in place here in Michigan Center. They opened early this year for the two days of near-60-degree weather, but now that they're open, they have to stay open in this awful wintery weather.

After lunch, we'll probably do some shopping. I need some new bras. Desperately. I do not remember the twins getting this big, this fast with my first pregnancy! I hope they don't get much bigger, or I am going to be one seriously top-heavy mama.

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