Sunday, February 22, 2009

Interview with Tiegan, Part II

Tiegan had so much fun being "interviewed" the other day that she asked if we could do it again soon. I came up with a set of my own questions, geared more toward her likes/dislikes. This is going to be great stuff for the keepsake book.

What is your favorite color? Blue.

What do you like to do by yourself? Play Little Einsteins matching cards game. You have a cool pen there, Mommy. OK That’s enough writing with your cool pen!

How big are you? THIIIIS big (hand to forehead)

What are you going to be when you grow up? A doctor!
What do doctors do? They listen to heartbeats.

What is your favorite toy? Hmm… (takes a minute and looks at all her toys) A dump truck!
But you don’t have a dump truck. Oh. My magic drawing board then.

What is something you’re proud of? Having free toys when I race with Roary the Racing Car.

Who is your best friend? Gram Sheli, Pa Lee and my cats!

If you could be anywhere right now where would you be? At Grandma Judy’s with Pa and Grandma Judy at Bob Evans.

How do you use a computer? By typing on the keys and controlling the mouse. (Taps fingers on coffee table). But Mommy, how do you stop using it? Is it the blue button?
Yes, that turns the computer off. Oh, I was right!

What is something you have learned? High school!
What do you mean? Yeah my dancing class.

What is your favorite book? Reading about airplanes at Boppy’s house. Vrrrrmmmmmmm!!

What is your favorite song? Twinkle Twinkle, and this is how it goes (Sings entire song and takes a bow after Mommy’s applause)

What would you buy if you had $1.00? Cereal.
What kind? Cocoa Puffs and Apple Jacks. And I’d mix them together.

What is your favorite TV Show? Caillou!
Why’s that? Because I love Caillou because he makes different pizzas. Oh, my phone’s ringing! (picks up toy cell phone) Are we done here?
Yes, we’re finished, thank you. You’re welcome! Bye! (picks up toy phone and pretends to talk to Daddy)

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