Monday, February 16, 2009


I was stumbling today (which I highly recommend if you're bored on the internet) and came across this Craigslist posting, entitled "Pregnancy Doesn't Make You Divine".

Parents - moms and dads alike - would probably be interested to read what this idiot thinks about bearing and raising children. This idiot was too chicken to post his/her e-mail address, so I would like to point out my replies to a few statements right here on my blog.

For the full rant, go here:

On to the insanity. My responses to this person's statements are in italics.

"You're pregnant. BIG F*CKING DEAL. It's not like you went to school for three years and had to take some excruciating multi-day certification.... I am amazed you made it through such a mentally and physically demanding challenge that probably lasted all of 45 seconds."
I assume you're likening pregnancy to your own college experience. When comparing childbirth to a pencil-and-paper test, which you should be prepared for after 3 years of studying, don't use the word "excruciating." You sound like a moron. You have no idea what "excruciating" means.
"One time I saw an interview with Hootie (of the Blowfish), with his wife. It was a lovely 'What does Hootie and his wife do when he's at home and not packing fans into concerts at 20 or 30% of capacity' piece on some lame ass afternoon news biopic show."
If it was so lame, why were you watching it?

"Anyway Hootie’s wife starts talking about kids and how they are such a miracle and (now she is actually tearing up) and she just can't understand how anyone wouldn't want to have children and HOW SHE JUST FEELS SORRY FOR THOSE PEOPLE. Oh yes honey, feel sorry for us. Obviously we are emotionally fractured because we don't share the same fervent desire to add our particular goo to this world's collective semen cesspool."
She feels sorry for you because you wander the world in constant negativity without any idea as to how beautiful it can be. You have no clue how beautiful having a child is, and how it changes your point of view completely. I completely understand a rational desire not to have children, but we parents do not have this sense of entitlement you claim. We don't ask for concessions. We don't look down upon those who aren't parents. But we are very different from people like you. Your mind is small, and you can only see the world from where you're standing. Being a parent is something very different than what you are -- it's called SELFLESS.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Oooh your points are said VERY WELL. What an idiot that person is.