Wednesday, February 11, 2009

the big announcement

If you can't already tell by the new blog layout...

We're having....

another GIRL!!!

Here are some cool ultrasound pictures. In the first one, it's face-on. You can actually see one of the baby's eyes. It was really amazing, but also a little creepy in a Terminator kind of way...

I was so surprised to hear that it's a girl. I was almost positive we were having a boy this time, and we got so many votes for boy on the poll. Jason swears up and down he's not disappointed, which he proved by wanting to go shopping for little baby girl clothes as soon as we were done with lunch. ;)

As for my other issues, Dr. Farhat said I'm fine. He said that since this is my 2nd pregnancy (and I already have pre-existing loose joint/weak ligament & tendon issues), my ligaments are weaker this time around and my uterus is just hanging lower. I could probably find some relief in a belly support band, but really the only thing I can do for myself is to get off my feet as much as possible when I feel that pressure. It's good to know that there's nothing wrong, but also a little disappointing to hear that I can't be as active as I'd like.

I did get tons of walking exercise today. We got our state return today and went on a little shopping spree after lunch at Bob Evans. I got some new jeans (still in size 3's - yay!), sweatpants, shoes, and a movie for Tiegan I haven't seen in years: The Secret of Nimh. I can't wait to watch it with her tomorrow and see if she likes it. I must have watched it 100 times as a little girl. We also got Tiegan some new spring clothes and a puzzle - we felt like the whole day was centered around the new baby and wanted her to feel special too.

I think that's about all for my update today. So... 2 girls it will be! We are definitely done, despite Jason's joking statements about having baby after baby until he gets his boy. ;)


heather said...

How fun!!

Nicole said...

Congratulations!! Can't wait to find out her name!