Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chef Tiegan Returns... Sorta

Tiegan loves this chef outfit she got from us for Christmas. She wanted to help me make goulash the other day (and as you can see I'm using Manwich sauce because I was out of diced tomatoes... oops), but unfortunately I didn't have much for her to do. It's just one of those throw-everything-in-the-pot kind of meals. I had several cans to dump in, which I asked for her help with, but being a good little safety-conscious young'un, she refused to get anywhere near the stove. I had to pick her up and show her it was ok. I asked if she'd help me dump the cans in, but nope! Her answer was exactly this: "It's OK mom, you can dump them in and I'll just watch. It's too hot for me."

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