Saturday, June 20, 2009


Yesterday was my 38-week appointment, and was also the day during my 1st pregnancy on which I was induced to have Tiegan. We are getting so very close.

The appointment went well -
I'm 138 lbs. which means I've gained 38 lbs.... fitting for my 38th week, hmm?
2cm dilated
25% effaced
Measuring right on track

The doctor had to check me very quickly & then run off to deliver a baby, so the nurse finished up my appointment. I have to say - it's the nicest she's ever been to me. Mom came with me and she answered all our questions and even took the time to chat. I actually felt welcome (for once). She made sure I live close enough to the hospital to get there in time if I go into labor at home. She seems to think it could be that quick!

I was hoping to talk to Doc about inducing, since I knew he was going to be on vacation this coming week, but no dice. As soon as he was done delivering that baby, he was officially on vacation until the 30th. So I'm just going to have to wait and see if I go into labor on my own. If I do before the 30th (I hope I hope I hope), another doctor will obviously have to deliver. I'm not all that worried about it - I just hope it's not the doctor that delivered Tiegan. I didn't very much care for his bedside manner.

Other miscellany for today...

It's going to be sweltering hot and gorgeous out all week. Perfect swimming weather. Unfortunately, I can't get in & out of the water (no ladder on the dock - the simple task of jumping & pulling myself up is something I can't perform these days). But I promise to take photos of our Little Fish in the water next time she gets in.

We need a new fridge. The seals aren't meeting up and it's pouring out cold air. Condensation is dripping from it. This is costing us tons of money on our electric bill.

I need to sort & put away laundry. Yup. MORE laundry.

1 comment:

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

Your landlords wont replace your fridge?? :(