Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thinking Positive

I hope with all my might that work keeps me busy & focused today.

My horoscope says: "If you are married and are trying to add branches to the family tree, this could be a night to remember."

For real. It's all I can think about. Well, that, and... wanting sooo badly just to go back to bed. I haven't felt this tired in quite a while. Which is strange, because I was lucky to get a long enough stretch of solid sleep last night to have a dream.

I dreamed that I was in the hospital, even though I hadn't actually gone into labor. So Jason & I decided to jump-start the process by using one of the most popular methods of natural labor induction... (bow chicka). The next thing I knew, my baby was being handed to me. I don't know if I was supposed to have blacked out for the entire labor process or if my memory was wiped of it. I really don't know. I had no problems getting up & around afterward. I felt fine. My biggest complaint was that it was hard to hold/feed Sofia and go to the bathroom with the stupid IV in my arm. I just wanted to break out of there and enjoy the sunshine with my new family.

Yeah, it was an odd dream. But I think maybe it's the first I've had during this entire pregnancy about Sofia actually being born. I've had some labor dreams, and dreams about being in the hospital or having surgery, but nothing quite like this. A sign?

OK, I'm just full of wishful thinking today. Watch out for my tweets!

Also, a big congratulations to Heather Armstrong @ Dooce on the birth of her daughter, Marlo. I was very surprised to hear she birthed a 7 lb. 15 oz. baby from that tiny belly of hers! Very curious to see how big Sofia will be.

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