Friday, June 26, 2009


So, can you tell I've been totally obsessed with the color aqua lately? (I blame House of Turquoise.)

I'm trying not to go overboard, so as not to get sick of it. But I've used it in Sofia's room, I've been dressing Tiegan in this color, and I've gravitated towards it when designing graphics. It's just such a beautiful, light, summery, airy color. I love the way it makes me feel.

Tiegan looks so grown-up. I know she's going to seem huge when we bring Sofia home - whenever that may be. Her hair is getting long & her bangs are growing out, she speaks so intelligibly, and she is really starting to act like a young lady. To see her writing and matching up items in 1st and 2nd grade workbooks is just mind-boggling to me. She has been especially lovey and cuddly the past few weeks, and I think maybe she's just ensuring that she doesn't lose her spot in our hearts. If anything, I'm thinking our love and appreciation for her will multiply by Sofia's presence. I have been so overwhelmed with love for my family lately, I'm a little nervous at how I'm going to handle the next wave of emotions that's about to crash into me.

Not only are we so close to turning our trio into a family of 4, there are a few more impending life changes that will uproot our entire schedules. It will be interesting and exciting once we're in the swing of things. But it might be very frustrating getting to that point. Stay tuned for more on that! For now, I'm going to make some coffee, greet the weekend, and try & attract some labor vibes. Send some this way for me?

1 comment:

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

wow, i cant believe ur at 39 weeks now!! gah!!! any day and we will get to see Sophia!!! :)