I'm craving nothing but fresh fruits/vegetables, water & ice. Is my body trying to cleanse itself?
Nesting is also something that's popped up since yesterday in a huge way. I finally used our new vacuum on the whole house. I was elated. I mean really, who's excited to vacuum? I can't believe the junk it picked up that our old one has been missing. Also, our old vacuum didn't have a hose attachment so I had a field day getting in corners & edges. Next is the car.
I was never able to cover Sofia's changing table shelves in fabric like I'd hoped. The fabric I bought didn't stick, probably because I hadn't washed it before I tried to adhere it. So I removed it, then washed it, had plans to iron it and re-adhere it, but it frayed/tangled like crazy. Oh well. I used pillowcases and blankets to cover the shelves and it looks remarkably cute, albeit jankty.
Here's what else I did last night: (I love lists!)
- Folded & put away the majority of Sofia's clothes, ooh-ing and aah-ing at all the adorable tinyness.
- Cleaned & organized Tiegan's room - it was in dire need.
- Cleared off a junk area of the kitchen counter where random things with no home have been accumulating, and turned it into a baby bottle station.
I'm so glad I got all that accomplished. I'm starting to feel ready.
(Fruit & ice water photo credit: weepeng and ~bear)
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