Thursday, June 4, 2009

Little Birdy

My body is getting ready for labor, I can tell.

I'm craving nothing but fresh fruits/vegetables, water & ice. Is my body trying to cleanse itself?

Nesting is also something that's popped up since yesterday in a huge way. I finally used our new vacuum on the whole house. I was elated. I mean really, who's excited to vacuum? I can't believe the junk it picked up that our old one has been missing. Also, our old vacuum didn't have a hose attachment so I had a field day getting in corners & edges. Next is the car.

I was never able to cover Sofia's changing table shelves in fabric like I'd hoped. The fabric I bought didn't stick, probably because I hadn't washed it before I tried to adhere it. So I removed it, then washed it, had plans to iron it and re-adhere it, but it frayed/tangled like crazy. Oh well. I used pillowcases and blankets to cover the shelves and it looks remarkably cute, albeit jankty.

Here's what else I did last night: (I love lists!)
  • Folded & put away the majority of Sofia's clothes, ooh-ing and aah-ing at all the adorable tinyness.
  • Cleaned & organized Tiegan's room - it was in dire need.
  • Cleared off a junk area of the kitchen counter where random things with no home have been accumulating, and turned it into a baby bottle station.
This doesn't sound like much... but believe me, for how I've been feeling lately, it was all I could do to accomplish these things without pushing my body into labor. I was huffing and puffing around the house, all the while Jason forcing his help upon me and telling me to rest or else he would chain me to the couch.

I'm so glad I got all that accomplished. I'm starting to feel ready.

(Fruit & ice water photo credit: weepeng and ~bear)

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