Sunday, June 28, 2009

Not Much of Anything.

I had a mini-meltdown today. Oops. I've been having way more intense contractions, probably every 10-20 minutes (some 5-10 minutes apart). Unfortunately, Tiegan hasn't been on her best behavior. The good thing is: it's Jason's day off and he's home to help keep the sanity. Also, it's a pretty gorgeous day out and the lake breeze is amazingly refreshing. I don't think I'll ever *not* want to live on the lake.

After being up & around, cooking lunch, cleaning and nesting around the house, I was getting pretty antsy and we decided to get in the car to find someplace to walk. We ended up at the Crossing, as usual. We walked... and walked... and walked... and finally my contractions started to regulate to about 5-6 minutes apart.

And then they stopped for almost an hour.

That, combined with us having to pull over and scold Tiegan for attempting to unbuckle Sofia's carseat on the way home, caused my mini-meltdown. Even though Sofia's not even IN her carseat yet, T needs to know the importance of being buckled up. We had a good conversation about it once we got home and we all feel much better. I just hate scolding her for serious offenses, and she doesn't make it any easier (let's just say my nickname for her is Sarah Bernhardt).

Speaking of, Miss DQ (Drama Queen) Herself is pronouncing her hunger. Time to cook!

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