Monday, June 15, 2009

Walk the Line

Yesterday we got Tiegan in the lake to swim for the first time this year. And I totally did not take any pictures of my little fish in the water. Mom fail.

I should have been on top of it, too, because I was simply sitting on the dock w/ my feet in the water and Jason was the one playing with her. (Of course if I get in, I can't get back out... haha).

I have to admit, though, it was nice to just enjoy the moment and watch my daughter have the time of her life without worrying about getting my camera wet, whether the exposure is right, etc... at least I did take a few shots earlier. From these, I will remember what a great day it ended up being. Too bad I can't shoot in RAW lately - my PC can't handle converting them to edit. Sad.

I kind of feel like a jerk for complaining about that kid using our dock, because I went to run some errands and when I got back, Jason said he and T went outside to play and they were very nice about moving out of the way. STILL - I think they should have asked permission in the first place. They knew someone was home, all they had to do was knock on the door.

At night, I start to realize just how much pain I'm in and how I've simply just gotten used to it. I realize it at night because I'm constantly having to roll my whale butt out of bed to go pee. I'm very sore all over, and any kind of movement that requires me to get up or sit back down sends a sharp shooting pain right down through... well, you know. I'm really not complaining, though. I can't be pregnant forever, right? I know this is something I have to endure for just a little longer and then it will all be so worth it. Even still... I'm wishfully thinking I'll go into labor very soon.

For now, it's back to work and walk-walk-walk to get this baby going!

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