Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cold Bird

What to do with a whole frozen chicken?

That is my concern of the day. (Since I'm trying not to concentrate on the fact that I've had 5-10 minutes between contractions for 3 days now, haven't slept, and my cervix isn't changing.)

The weather has been gorgeous, we've been in the lake every day that we've been home, and I'd like to utilize our new grill while clearing up some space in the freezer. But... regular BBQ Chicken just sounds so old hat. I'd like to do something different & interesting, maybe pick up a tip or two from Bobby Flay. But for some reason, the Husband thinks he's kind of a douche and won't knowingly take any tips from him. I think he's hugely talented. Whatever.

If you have any unique grilled chicken ideas, please throw them my way. A hint: I've been way craving Chinese lemon chicken - maybe there's a way we can come up with some sort of grilled lemon-glazed chicken recipe. OH, yum.

1 comment:

heather said...

I've never had a whole chicken to cut up and decide what to do with, although if you have a crock pot I've always heard you can just throw it in there frozen and as it thaws the juices are enough to cook it and keep it amazingly moist.
If you do thaw it out to divy up and put on the grill, here's my favorite lemon chicken we grill all summer...