Thursday, June 11, 2009

Please Share...

I know quite a few of you readers are mommies... or at one point have known a mother that has given birth during your acquaintance. For this post, I beg your participation.

When I gave birth to Tiegan, I had no idea what to expect. Aside from watching A Baby Story religiously for weeks leading up to my due date, and reading my pregnancy books which were all very technical and not very personally involved... I went into the actual labor/delivery/recovery experience blind as a bat.

I kind of figured it would suck. That was pretty much it.

I'll spare you the gory details of my recovery process, but I'll just tell you that life was pretty tough for me for a while. During labor, Tiegan's shoulder was stuck on my pubic bone. It was getting down to the wire and, per my mom's recollection (I was too delirious to remember much of anything at this point), Doc pretty much didn't care what he had to do to me in order to get the baby out.

I couldn't walk for the better part of a week, and I needed help showering for 2 weeks afterward. I remember being in a substantial amount of pain for several weeks, and I think I have a pretty high threshold for that sort of thing. Even 2 years later, a long walk would bring back a bit of that soreness. I became convinced that it was just something all mothers had to live with... forever.

Now, I'm not so convinced.

After my mother regales me with the story of Tiegan's birth & my recovery, and after listening to a few fellow mother's stories, I'm beginning to think my condition was not so normal. I have my 37-week appointment tomorrow, and I'd like to bring this up with my OB (he's a different one than the guy that delivered Tiegan). But first, I'm really interested to know what YOUR post-partum recovery process was like.

You are welcome to share right here in the comments section. If you're not so comfortable sharing that information for everyone to see... please feel free to email me your stories:


LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

I really only remember being uncomfortable for about the first 3 days. Mainly just being able to sit down was not my favorite thing. But I wanted so badly to sit and rest too.
I hope that your tough recovery was just a one time shot and this one will be easier for you. At least you were drugged up enough during the delivery that you dont recall all of the pain and torture your body went through.

MacKenzie said...

My recovery process with both was about the same. With Ian, I knew what to expect...but just 2 hours afterwards I was walking the hall, I refused a wheelchair, cleaning up my room to be moved to a mommy/me room. The next day the only thing I had a problem with was getting from laying down to sitting to standing b/c my abodominal muscles obviously didn't work. I pretty much just had to roll over and kinda fall outta bed. LOL I had Ian at 727pm and I was gone with Ian at 8pm the next night. I just wanted to be home especially since Jossie was so upset. And of course the whole going to the bathroom issue was present for a good week or two. I felt like my uterus was gonna fall out if I pushed to go pee. HAHA How's that for TMI. Anyway, now 4 mo later the only thing that I realize is my spine will hurt if I sit on the floor to change Ian's diaper then lay down on my back tightens up. Yay epidural. (Still completely worth it in my mind) I have to say tho, Dr. Farhat was very gentle delivering Ian. No stitches or burning at all during delivery. He does let you eat while your at the hospital...but just remember what goes in while youre there must come out and it will during delivery. LMFAO

Steph said...

I haven't given birth myself, so I won't be much help. I do think you should definitely bring up any questions or concerns you have with your Dr. on your next appointment. I'm sure it'll make you feel better. :)