Saturday, January 24, 2009

Letter to Snowmobilers

Dear Snowmobilers who kept me awake past 1am zipping back and forth on Center Lake:

I realize 1am might not seem that late on a Saturday night to you. However, I have a hard enough time snoozing as it is, and my pregnant ass was not thrilled with being startled awake every time I had just barely drifted back off to sleep.

Do you even realize that there are houses full of people on both sides of you? Do you realize that, unlike you, they are trying to sleep?

Maybe some of them have youngsters, like we do. Maybe you haven't thought about how frightening a sound your machine makes when it zzzzzZZZZZZINNGggssss past, to a toddler with a vivid imagination. Hopefully these kids are sweetly dreaming that they're down front at a race track. Or maybe they're being violently awakened by this noise with horrible thoughts of alien invasion.

Just... ya know... a few things to think about.

a grumpy pregnant mother who didn't get enough sleep last night.

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