Saturday, January 31, 2009

Letters & Blogs

I installed an alphabet on Tiegan's bedroom wall yesterday. We got these Wallie type stick-ups at the dollar store. Can you believe these came from the dollar store for how trendy-looking they are? Anyway - I think they're made to spell out names and things because the whole package came with punctuation, but I thought putting up the whole alphabet would be cute.

I also got some cute light green baskets for the shelves under the baby's changing table. And some botanical leaf stick-ups for the baby's nursery walls. My new favorite store: Family Dollar at the Jackson Crossing. No joke.

Let's all give a warm welcome to my hubby Jason and his new blog: Quand Vous Dormez, which translates to While You Sleep. He writes about interesting subjects. His main focus has been on music/the music industry these days, but you never know what's going to pop out of his curious mind. So, keep tabs on that. It's good stuff.

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