Monday, January 5, 2009

Lake Sweet Home

I still can't believe that this is my view every morning. I can't believe that we live on a lake. Jason grew up on/around lakes, but I'm a city girl. I always wanted to live on a lake, but thought it wouldn't be possible for some time when we both were working amazing jobs and making 6 figures. Hey, we can all dream, right? Living in this house, for the price we pay... well, we're lucky.

This photo is a little cloudy because I took it through the sliding glass door, which really needs to be cleaned. The lake gets much wider if you go out further to the right.

The sunrises and sunsets out here are amazing. Every day it's like a show. I even enjoy the cloudy days out here. It's not like we're out in the middle of nowhere, but having so much open space right in front of us is great. And you know what else is great? Usually, the smaller/cheaper houses on lakes are packed tightly like sardines. Our house isn't even that close to our neighbors. We have room to breathe.

Kudos to Jason, because he chose it all by himself. He moved in here with a roommate while we were separated over the summer, and I had been staying with my parents for a spell (at least they have a pool). When we decided to get back together, it was kind of perfect timing because his roommate had recently moved out and left him scrambling to find someone else.

Anyway, that's the gist of the story. I'm just glad to be where we are right now. This home is great (with the exception of little quirks), and even if we don't renew the lease in August, I'll enjoy every minute we spend here until then.

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