Friday, January 23, 2009

Laundry, laundry everywhere!

Excellent! Aside from my tonsils feeling like they are as big as softballs, I'm feeling pretty great today!

Good thing, too, because today is a long one. Jason works 12 hours so it's just me and the munchkin with cabin fever. I love my time alone with Tiegan, but by 6pm on Fridays I'm usually toast. Brain o' Mush. I would really love to start having friends (and their kids!) over once in a while, but first the house needs a deep clean. Spring cleaning, really.

Speaking of cleaning... I definitely took for granted having my own washer & dryer in-house! We can't make it to the laundromat as often as we'd like, as I've probably mentioned before, so we do a lot of laundry at my parents' house (THANK YOU!!). Clothes, towels, etc have really been building up around here. I think it's going to take a few trips to get all caught up. Especially having a kid in potty training, I really miss being able to start a load whenever I need to. I've ended up washing lots of little panties in the sink. Too bad we don't have a bathtub either - I honestly wouldn't mind getting a washboard and doing a load of laundry in the tub old-fashioned style!

Oops, I'm complaining again. Something I swore to myself I wouldn't do as much anymore! ;)

I have a goal today: I'm going to whip out my Lensbaby 3G and play around with it. It has been sitting, sad and lonely, in its case since I got it in September. It's supposed to warm up to almost 40 today (ha!) so maybe Tiegan and I will go for a winter walk. You never know.

1 comment:

MacKenzie said...

Since I have Joss in daycare I sit at home by myself. You wanna clean? Gimme a call. I'm a nesting crazy woman right about now and my house is spotless. LOL