Monday, January 12, 2009

Maybe a REAL Resolution?

I'm gonna do it.

Not only am I working hard to stay healthy and get my exercise while I'm pregnant, I'm going at it full-fledged after the baby is born.

I have been having a lot of dreams lately that involve me being chased/hunted, or our house being broken into. If that ever happened in real life and Jason wasn't around, I'd be screwed. I have no idea how to defend myself outside of swinging like crazy with a baseball bat. I can't stand feeling inadequate. Just the thought of being a mother of 2 is intimidating, physically. I want to be able to lift, bend, pull, push and play without getting winded. I can't stand taking breaks because I just don't have the strength or energy. I am determined to be fit, self-sufficient and strong.

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