Saturday, January 3, 2009

Home Photo Shoot

Today I decided to create Tiegan's 3rd birthday party invitations, since my goal date for sending them out is only a few days away. What's the typical advance-notice required for birthday party invitations? I couldn't remember, so I figured 4 weeks ahead was pretty adequate.

I wanted to have as recent a photo as possible on the invitations, so T and I had a mini photo-session today. I wanted a shot of her with a sweet, imaginative smile on her face - not necessarily looking right at the camera. I wanted her picture to show her in the dreamworld that she's usually in. Let me tell you -- staging that shot was a nightmare. So I just told her to look out the window and I went with the flow.

I thought the result was OK - not perfect (her eyes are squinty and you can tell she's about to talk), but how perfect can you get with an almost-3-year-old?

1 comment:

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

She is such a pretty girl!!