Monday, July 6, 2009

Where is my mind

This whole overdue thing is throwing me for a loop.

Typically, they say you deliver earlier with subsequent pregnancies. Tiegan was born at 38 weeks, and here I am, at 40w3d. This is unreal.

I haven't had a whole lot to complain about, physically, other than the day and night contractions (which I'm beginning to get used to). I have this sharp, stabbing pain low in my pelvis sometimes, but I'm pretty sure Sofia's just lying on a nerve somewhere because it only happens when I shift my weight.

My only real complaint is that I'm anxious to start this next phase of our lives. I've been ready for some time now - it would have been nice to deliver a couple weeks ago when I was still pumped and had plenty of energy. Not that I'm no longer excited, but back at 38 weeks I had this adrenaline rush thinking it could be any day now. That rush lasted a week or so, and has since worn off.

Now, I'm just tired. Excited, but tired and very curious as to how I'll fare during delivery. With Tiegan, I gave it all my might. This time, I'm a little nervous that I might turn out to be a bit wimpy - simply because I'm drained.

This overdue-ness has given me extra time to overthink the possibilities, too. Overthinking is never good, and turns people like me into absolute worry-warts.

For now, I'm just going to sit back, enjoy my time off while it lasts, and this beautiful weather that's going along with it. Wish me luck keeping my mind distracted!

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