Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tuckered out in the good way.

And I thought time flew faster with only one child.

Holy moly. Where have the days gone? Tiegan seems so big to me; it's hard to believe we are thinking about Preschools. She'll be starting dance classes again next month already. Sofia seems to be filling out more & more every day.

All we did today was pick up Tiegan from her grandma's, go to the bank, then go grocery shopping. On the way home from the store, we stopped and picked up some take-out. (Speaking of which, I feel extremely guilty having downed that chili cheese dog and fries. Must. Eat. Healthy.)

Now I'm finally settling down and I look at the clock, only to realize... it's almost 6pm?! Is it really time to start thinking about dinner already?

I guess when you think about all the in-between stuff you have to do with a 3 year old and newborn, it weighs out pretty evenly. Diaper changes & potty trips, feeding, pumping for bottles, washing milk- and marker-stained clothes, getting in & out of carseats...... I'm just not used to being so active through the entire day. It's nice, though. Really nice. I feel more useful and needed now than ever. Sometimes it's a little overwhelming. Having such an important purpose, though; that makes it worth the trouble. SO worth it.

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