Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Looking for baby photos of Tiegan today, and having 2 bum computers that need to have the hard drives extracted, I was reduced to summoning my brain power. How so? I had to remember old photobucket passwords.

Thankfully, I was successful! That preggo-brain must be wearing off. (Anyone else get that? Idiocy during pregnancy?)

Browsing through scads of photos from the past 3 years, I got a little teary-eyed. As any ragingly hormonal woman would. I just thought I'd share some of my favorites.

Pregnant with Tiegan during Christmas '05:
(and badly needing hair dye!!)

T's bedroom at our old house - the one we brought her home to:
(I wish you could see it better, but the walls are a light green and the ceiling, which is coved, was painted light blue. My dad and I hand-painted clouds, which you can see just a little bit of at the top of the walls.)

A signature banner I made for a parenting message board I belonged to:

Going back a little further in time... our wedding day!
(Looking at this photo reminds me how glad I am that J and I didn't go through with a divorce last year. We are too perfect together to let all this love go to waste.)

A toothless Tiegan next to an old picture of me:

At one of Jason's softball games:

Halloween '07 - dinosaur costume that my mom made:

Jas and me doing what we do best:
(I might just consider going redhead again...)

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