Monday, July 27, 2009

OH the Cuteness!

Yesterday afternoon I got a little shutter-happy with the girls. They were both being so adorable.

After her nap, Tiegan and I were eating Fig Newtons and chatting about random things. I went to snap her picture, and she gasped, almost choking on her food - "NO, Mommy! Not yet, I have my mouth full."

*Gulp* - Okay, now you can take my picture.

She and Daddy left for Grandma's house shortly thereafter, at which time Sofia decided to be alert as ever.

She works so hard at picking her head up. She has been picking it up since birth, but is getting much better. I'm a little rusty with milestones, but I think for 2 weeks old this is pretty good! Oh, and that hair. I think we might have one straight-as-a-board blonde, and one wavy-headed brunette on our hands!

And I'm done overloading you with photos for the morning. I just couldn't resist!

1 comment:

Steph said...

How cute!! :) Congrats on giving birth to such a beautiful little girl!