Friday, July 17, 2009

My man, my boobs, and a jubilee

What lucky girls the 3 of us are to have this guy in our lives.

He's sensitive enough to understand our needs, but not effeminate. He's manly enough to get things done for us, but not disgusting. He's the perfect balance and, I think, is coping quite well with the trauma of living in a household swarming with estrogen. :)

Adventures in breastfeeding... whew.
When Sofia finally got the hang of it, and we got into a rhythm, it was wonderful. It's really powerful, actually, providing something so incredibly useful for your child that no one else can match. And then it started to hurt. And now it's excruciating. We're still working out the kinks... but I hope I'm able to continue. I know it's not supposed to be painful, so we've got to figure out what's going on.

This weekend we are going to attempt our first outing as a family of four, at the Hot Air Jubilee. Tiegan absolutely loved it last time we went, and I'm glad it's back this year. I know it's at the airport so there will probably be plane engines and whatever else going on - I just hope it's not too loud for Sofia. Now, to conquer the biggest obstacle of all: finding something to wear in this strange in-between phase!

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