Sunday, March 29, 2009

Suggestions needed.

This is kind of a touchy subject for public forum, but I desperately seek advice.

After a long battle with pull-ups and defiance, Tiegan was finally potty trained. HALLELUJAH!

Or not.

The past week or so, she's been wetting her pants. On purpose. I ask her frequently throughout the day if she has to go, and she always says no. Sometimes I can tell she actually does, and I convince her to try anyway. The magic always happens when I convince her to try.

That slowly turned into me making her try after she puts up a fight, and finally offering candy/rewards if she at least makes the effort. In between the tries, when I find her wet, she claims she was "too busy" with whatever she was doing (playing with toys, etc) to get up and go. If I ask her why she did it, her answer is always "because I wanted to."

If she is too wrapped up in her toys to make the effort to get up and go to the bathroom, then my first instinct tells me to take away the toys. But I don't want to shame her. This is only at home. In public, she's a champ. Not one accident in public, ever.

My creativity is fleeting these days. I'm not such a fun mommy lately (hopefully that side of me returns with the sunshine). I'm all out of ideas for how to encourage her. I'm 90% sure it's just laziness. She still asks to wear pull-ups, which of course I refuse, no matter how many teeny-tiny panties that means I have to wash.


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