Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hubby Appreciation Day

I hope you don't mind, but I would just like to take a moment to show my appreciation for my husband.

We use the stumbleupon toolbar, which provides great entertainment - or at least a tolerable way to get through a bout of boredom. We often "stumble" items to each other (there's a "send to" button on the toolbar, in which you can enter anyone's email address. It will send the recipient a link to the page you've "stumbled" across).

I often check my email in the mornings to find 2 or 3 pages from Jason. Usually they are jokes or funny videos & I always enjoy them because we have such similar taste. This morning, I was pleasantly surprised. He had sent me the link to a clothing website I'd never seen before.

Knowing Jason, he normally would have thought "ugh - fashion - I don't care." And went on his merry way. However, he must have noticed something about me that most people don't catch onto. He must have noticed how I was ogling over this website the other day. Or maybe he sees how I'm constantly adding things to my forever21 wishlist. Or maybe not. Either way... he saw this fashion site, and instead of just ignoring it and moving on, he thought of me.

And it's actually pretty cool. I like about 90% of the stuff on it. So, I thought I would share it with you.

Think I'm vain if you like, but sometimes I feel like I can't fully express myself because I can't afford to dress the way I dream I would. It's just nice that Jason sees what I like, even though I wear jeans & t-shirts most of the time. Props. :)

Pretty neat stuff eh?

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