Monday, March 2, 2009

Cleaning & Failed Cookie Attempt

There was a week or so where I was bursting with energy and got tons of stuff done.

Today, not so much.

I did push myself to clean the kitchen [I still have yet to mop and finish the dishes]. I was going to vacuum the whole house, too, but our vacuum is a goner. We haven't exactly budgeted for a new vacuum, so we're going to have to wait a while to get a new one. Ours was such an inexpensive model in the first place it would cost more to get it fixed than it would be to replace it. Anyone want to grab the one on my wishlist for us? haha...

Tiegan has been thoroughly enjoying the drum & instrument set she got from my sister for her birthday. I don't even mind the noise; I just enjoy seeing the happiness it brings her. She loves making music of all kinds.

This is how she looks when she asks me for something. I call it her "Can I pleeeeease" face. Such a concerned look...

She & I made oatmeal cookies this morning. I have found so many recipes lately that I've been dying to make, but every time I go to prepare one of them, I realize we're out of some key ingredient. We went to the store the other day and got some baking staples that should last a good while. And what did I forget? Sugar.

So, I borrowed some from my mom. How can you really "borrow" food, anyhow? It's not like you can give it back.

ANYWAY. The cookies turned out much more spongey than I hoped. We used a healthy recipe that takes applesauce rather than butter. They taste phenomenal, but they're just... globby. Perhaps I used the wrong kind of oats.

I expected them to flatten out in the oven, so I was surprised when I opened the door to peek. They kept their exact shape. They look like little piles of dough. Maybe I'll just use good ol' butter next time.

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