Sunday, March 8, 2009

Clean Sweep

Let me introduce you to my little clean freak. She LOOOVES to help me clean. If she notices any of the drawers in the kitchen slightly cracked, she will go and close every one of them all the way. Friday, when it was LOVELY out (almost 70 and sunny), we had all the windows open and decided to get some pre-spring cleaning done. Even though our vacuum is on its last leg, I thought we'd try it another time just to see if I could at least get the living room done before it started overheating again.

Although I won't let her help me clean with chemicals of course, Tiegan always asks if she can help me dust/sweep/vacuum. I always give her an extra rag and she goes around the house scrubbing here and there. She informs me of all the spots I've missed. We had so much fun going outside and sweeping the porch together. I really hope she stays this way!

Yesterday I had the worst migraine I've had in a LONG time. I know many of you can sympathize. It felt like my head was going to explode... for about 17 hours. I seriously had moments of wondering if I had a brain tumor that was getting ready to burst. I had visions of blood gushing out my ears, eyes, nose... and I was thinking about how much relief it would bring if that happened. That's how much pain I was in! Mom thinks I have irritable blood vessels (is that even a real condition?). I give Jason props for trying to be understanding, since he's never experienced migraines that bad.

Has anyone seen the movie Idiocracy? It scares me to think that the world might actually end up like that someday.

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