Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Right now there is a strange balance of things in my life to be disappointed about, and things to be grateful/excited for.

After thinking long & hard about it last night, and some feverishly handwritten journaling, I'm pretty sure the good things outweigh the negative. The smile remains on my face through it all and that warm fuzzy feeling is still there when I go to bed, so it can't be that bad.

Our Memorial Day weekend was stellar. My birthday was Saturday (24!) and I got to relax and spend the day with Tiegan and Jason at home. The washer/dryer were FINALLY in working condition on that day, so we did laundry like mad people and even though that doesn't sound like something you want to do on your birthday, believe me, it was most enjoyable.

Sunday we spent the majority of the day out of the house. We did some previously mentioned shopping, visited my parents' for a small belated birthday gathering, and did some more shopping. Yesterday - Memorial Day - Jason & I both had the day off. Since my parents couldn't come over for our impromptu cookout Sunday evening, they came over yesterday for some burgers & other various grub and conversation. They kept remarking that visiting us feels like they are on vacation, but they had to remember that we actually live there. Every time they visit, they leave saying they need to buy a house on the lake. No time like the present!

For more of our weekend photos, visit my Flickr site.

Tiegan hasn't been napping for about a month now. Once in a while we'll get lucky and she'll have had SUCH an active morning that she'll conk at about 1:30 for a half hour or 45 minutes (usually in the car), but for the most part, she's up from 6:30am to 10pm. This girl just never wants to sleep. Even at night, she wakes up a couple times for silly things, like having dropped a stuffed animal on the floor or wanting a drink. After a full day w/ no nap, she is delirious and acting loopy by 7pm. When she is that overtired, it's impossible to talk to her or get her to do anything. It's not that she's grumpy (although she can be), she just acts... strange. Funny faces, weird noises, flopping around... I mean the out-of-body kind of tired where you're running on E and don't even know who you are anymore. It's also impossible to reason with her or get her to do anything right, even if she knows better. That's our house between 7pm and 10pm. A mother's patience can wear very thin with this kind of sleeplessness!

I wonder what it will be like after Sofia's born. I already don't sleep, like, at all. So I should be pretty well set for the night wakings. I might even be better off, when I can comfortably curl up or lie on my stomach once again. :)

I'm so glad the sun peeked out today. I needed it.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Hi! Just found your blog through Nicole's. Thought I'd say hi! :) I'll add it to my reader and be sure to check it out more often.