Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Girl

I'm dancing with joy over here!
Er... in my imagination, at least.

So, one of my favorite things to do (no joke) is laundry. I may have already made that point oh, about 10 times at this particular blogging outlet. However, we have been suffering through having to carry huge, overflowing baskets of clothes/towels to my mom's house every weekend. It has been consuming my whole weekends, which is very frustrating when it's the only leisure time I have to spend with Jason & Tiegan.

When I finally got a job (which has been going wonderfully I might add), we decided to start saving for a washer and dryer of our own. But first, Jason asked the landlords if it was even possible to hook them up downstairs, as we weren't sure if the hookups were in working order.

To our surprise, when we asked them this, they said to get them some quotes on Jason's employee pricing and they would go ahead and buy the washer/dryer set and install them for us. They would stay with the house if we were to leave, of course, but they said they like us and want us to stick around for a while. Um, YAY!

These will be up & running Monday. Can you just SEE the excitement in my sparkling eyes!?!??!

I never appreciated what a huge convenience having the ability to do my laundry at HOME has been, since I've never been without that convenience until I moved here. It's the bees knees. I can bring new clothes home and wash them straight away. If we have a bad spill and something's about to stain, I can just throw it right in the washer without having to let it soak in the sink or shower until laundry day. And best of all... no more tedious hand-washing in the kitchen sink when we can't make it to mom & dad's!

Now that I've written an ENTIRE blog about laundry, I think my life is complete.

Oh wait... no... I must meet this little angel of mine that keeps shoving her foot up into my right lung. She must really love me. :)

1 comment:

Leslie Collins said...

I love doing laundry, too. There is nothing better than the aroma of Downy seeping thru the air. :) I am a dork, I know.

How exciting you are able to do it at home now, especially with Sophia and all the baby clothes that we will be washing this summer.