Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fun Trouble

I recently added this site [Craftgawker] to my Bloglines, and I gotta tell ya... I've got this huuuuge hankerin' to start some crafts.

Remember me mentioning awhile back that Tiegan is in love with Chef Ramsay?

So, Tiegan didn't finish her cereal this morning (Lucky Charms) after repeated reminders to eat not only the marshmallows, but the rest of the pieces too. I wasn't toooo mean about it, because I only liked the marshmallows when I was a kid too. I can relate. But Jason - oh man. He can get creative, that's for sure.

He asked me to get Chef Ramsay on the phone. So I pretended to dial, said hello & all that, and handed J the phone. I should mention that Jason is an excellent actor. He carried on this conversation with a pretend Chef Ramsay about how Tiegan wasn't eating all her breakfast, and he wondered if Chef could stop over at our house to scold her for being wasteful. This was totally realistic. I almost believed him.

Tiegan was whispering, "Is he really gonna come over here? Is he really gonna yell at me?" while Jason had the phone, and inching into the corner to hide. She was truly scared, and I was starting to feel bad.

After the conversation was over and we were waiting for an imaginary knock on the door, Tiegan clung to Daddy for dear life. He put his arms straight out and she just gripped his torso like a Koala. I felt horribly guilty that she was so terrified for nothing, but it was pretty cute. He set her down on a chair in the living room and told her to stay there because someone was coming up the driveway. He started walking toward the back door. That's when the waterworks came. Her face got beet red. I have NEVER seen her so entirely terrified.

J was starting to realize the gravity of the situation and called out the back door, "Hey Chef, man, thanks for coming but I think we've got it under control." (as if they were best buds) "Yeah, she says she's not gonna waste food anymore & she's sorry. I think we're cool. See ya later!"

That was the biggest relief she's probably ever felt in her life. She & Daddy are now feeding the fish out on the dock.

Did the punishment fit the crime? Probably not... but I don't think she's ever going to waste food again.

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