Saturday, May 2, 2009

Life in General

An all-inclusive update, because I have random things to say and no format in which to say them...

  • We haven't done anything in Sofia's room yet. Apparently we are missing 2 key parts of Tiegan's old crib, so we are shopping for a new one. Then we can finish the room around it.
  • I feel TONS of movement, practically all the time. I can even sit back and watch my belly bounce with her kicks. When I have someone else watch or feel, though, she stops almost completely. It's like she's shy.
  • It pretty much looks like I've stuck a basketball under my shirt. Although I still haven't gained as much weight as last time, and the signs of PIH that I was showing a while ago are gone (whew), I really don't see how I could get much bigger than this!
  • I am still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I will have TWO kids. Trying not to stress too much over our schedules and who will get the most attention. Gonna go with the flow.
  • Hormones and emotions have been pretty dull, I must say! Sometimes I have little mood swings that bring me close to tears, but NOTHING like last time. Jason will even admit that I've actually been somewhat normal through this entire pregnancy.
  • What can I say about this little whirlwind? She wakes up at 7am and doesn't stop talking/singing/moving until 9pm. I always keep a notebook close by to record the silly, smart, awe-inspiring things that come out of her mouth.
  • Her naps are pretty much non-existent now. Since I've been working for a week, she's gotten used to staying with grandparents during the day, and of course grandparents are too exciting to nap for. I haven't yet decided if this is good or bad.
  • She is the most stubborn and defiant person I know. If she has her mind set on something, there are NO distractions and forget about changing her mind. If you have a handful of raisins, and she says "those aren't raisins," it's pretty much impossible to try and argue the truth. This is a source of great frustration for me.
  • Puzzles, puzzles, puzzles. Her favorite activity, aside from coloring/crafts. She has several 25(ish) piece puzzles that she will complete in 2-3 minutes. And she's happy to do them over and over and over. This is the only thing that keeps her quiet.It's really fun for me to watch her wheels turning as she puts them together.
  • She's somewhat of a tomboy. She loves kicking a beach ball around in the house and says she's going to play all sorts of different sports. She has tons of Hot Wheels and enjoys lining them all up and crashing them. She will tell you that her Pa Lee (Jason's dad) has a GTO and a Trans Am, and that Daddy has a Trans Am too but it caught on fire last year. (HA... sorry honey, it's still funny.)
  • It bewilders me how incredibly smart she is. I know, every mother probably says this. Of course I'm biased. I just can't believe the words and sentences that come out of this little lady's mouth. But that's a whole new blog post.

  • I've been able to get some projects done here and there. A while ago we totally rearranged the living room and "dining" room, which I am loving. Jason just fixed the sump pump in the basement, so we might be able to get a washer/dryer soon. That will be a huge relief, because I was majorly stressing about having a messy 3 year old and a drooly newborn, and not being able to do laundry whenever I needed.
  • Although I think this is a great house to rent, I don't see us living here long-term. Jas wants to eventually buy the house from our landlords, but I see a few problems with that. Maybe someday we will come to an agreement... but for now we're happy renting until we can afford to buy our own house (on the lake of course).

  • Love - love - love it. Yesterday my boss asked if I was going to come back next week. I said, "eh, I'll think about it..." ;)
  • From what I can tell, it's a really laid-back environment full of competent people that get along and trust each other to do their jobs accurately. How much better can you get?
  • So far it's working itself into my personal life really nicely. We're going to try a different set of hours next week, which I think will work even better. I love still having time to do things around the house, and going to bed completely exhausted. Actually, I have more energy/motivation to do things around the house now that I'm working. It sounds strange, but since I actually have something to get dolled up for, I figure I might as well stay active for the whole day if I can.

1 comment:

MacKenzie said...

I found my hormones were more calm with Ian too. I think it's because pregnancy isn't new to our body/mind anymore so we know what to expect and we can deal with it better. I swear I cried at the drop of a hat with Jocelyn. Talk about embarrassing. LOL I'm so glad you're enjoying your CitPat job. :)