Monday, December 15, 2008

Whipping wind, aliens and sickness

The wind is whipping around the house, making the walls and windows creak. That swooshing, whirling sound... It's a stay-inside, tucked under the blankets, watching a feel-good movie day. All I have to do is look out at the lake and I get chills. (This is where I would have shared a picture of the frozen lake, but for some reason my PC isn't recognizing the memory card slot which is really kind of detrimental and I'm freaking just a little bit.)

As I was washing dishes the other night, I looked out the window and had a little startle. Our neighbors across the street replaced the white light bulbs in their driveway lamp with green ones in a feeble attempt at looking festive. Screw festive! It looks plain creepy. Out of the corner of my eye, I could have sworn there was some unearthly creature staring at me from across the street with glowing green eyes, waiting to take me up in his spaceship.

Jas was up sick practically all of last night. Poor thing is being sent home from work as I type. (I still can't believe he insisted on trying to go in the first place - what a trooper). I've heard of a few bouts of the stomach bug going around, but I don't think we've had any contact with these people... not directly, at least. I don't doubt the potency of the stomach bug, though. It's fierce. The 3 of us all had it when Tiegan was still in a crib. Mom ended up taking me to the hospital where I received IV fluids, while my dad stayed at the townhouse and took care of Jason and Tiegan. If it does happen to be "The Bug," it hasn't hit us girls yet. Crossing my fingers.

Now if you'll excuse me, In Her Shoes is going to be on FX in just a minute...

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