Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's a Flood

... in my basement.

It started getting wet a few days ago when it was 60 degrees out and the heaps of snow melted. I've actually started getting used to the noise of the drain down there, swooooshing every 15 minutes or so. We'll probably have the landlords take a look if it doesn't start drying up by the weekend.

I've been told we're right on the water table so the basement is apt to flood when it rains. So that's why there are crates down there - to stack our stuff up on. Good thing we don't have anything important on the floor!

I should stop watching HGTV. I really enjoyed remodeling the bathroom at our old house (thanks to Dad for all his help!). I'm getting the hankering to paint/remodel something, especially since I've been following Nicole's remodeling projects in their new house. If I had the right tools, though, there would be plenty I could do with old furniture, paint and scrap wood.

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