Friday, December 26, 2008

Roller Coaster

Not to worry, Christmas photos will be coming soon.

I've had a hard time getting off the couch today. I think the exhaustion from all 4 Christmas parties is finally getting to me -- that, and morning sickness! Weird, since I'm exactly at 13 weeks today. It's not full-fledged morning sickness with vomiting, but I feel like I'm on a roller coaster. I don't think I can eat much or I'll feel even worse, but I'm so hungry that I feel like I'll be sick if I don't eat. So at this point it's a lose-lose situation and I just have to take a gamble and do my best to get all my nutrients.

Now it's time to muster up the energy to organize all Tiegan's great new toys, and put away some old ones.

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