Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tiegan's Cooking Show

Tiegan loves to help us cook. As we're getting out all our ingredients, she drags her chair into the kitchen and announces: "I'm Chef Tiegan and welcome to my cooking show!"

The other day, she had fun helping Jason make a ham & bean soup. Her jobs were to pour the vegetable stock and mash some beans. Her best technique is stirring. She's quite good.

I also wanted to share with you a photo of our view from the living room. I intended to post this the other day, but my card reader wasn't working. It just took a few reboots - my PC was being temperamental.

1 comment:

amphey said...

That looks like a beautiful view to wake up to. And Tiegan! Her hair looks so long...that is sooo cute that she has her own "cooking show" ;)