Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Round & Round She Goes

I did it! I captured a "first"! I was so worried that with being back to work only 3 weeks after giving birth, I would miss out on many of Sofia's first milestones, like graduating to bigger bottles from the [adorable] 4-5 oz. bottles, first roll-over, first cooing sounds, and most importantly... first smiles.

I've seen her grin before, but this was the biggest "real" smile I've seen yet. So I'm calling it a first. The funny thing is, I didn't even know she was doing it. I was only trying to snap a picture of the 2 of us together from my phone, to send to Jason. I totally missed my own face but got a great shot of Sofia. It wasn't until I reviewed the picture on my phone that I realized she was smiling so huge. She was staring at the ceiling fan. I looked down at her and saw that she was still grinning from ear to ear.

So my daughter is obsessed with ceiling fans.


Nicole said...

That is incredibly cute!!

Tracy said...

How adorable!! I was wondering what she was looking at...what is it with babies and fans? Lol

Jessica said...

that is so adorable. can't stand it!

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

Hah! that is too funny! great pic!