Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friends of Friends of Friends

Has it really been since TUESDAY that I've posted?

Clearly, my priorities are all out of whack. I'm spending way too much time with my family.

I kid!

Sofia is growing to be quite the bald little chubbins. She's 6 weeks old already. Mothers always say that, don't we? "Oh the time is flying so quickly!" In fact, I can believe it's been 6 weeks. In some aspects it feels longer - like she's been a part our lives forever.

Poor thing is losing her hair up top. She's just such a sweet lil' thang. Shortly after I took this picture, I got a smile out of her. I also have a picture of that, but it's taking forever to send to my e-mail from my phone. So, you'll just have to hold your horses on that one.

I went to my first Lia Sophia party last night.

To be honest, I used to avoid these like the plague (and still probably won't make a habit of going) because I hate being in high-pressure sales situations. I'm just not interested in becoming a Lia Sophia rep. I like my part-time job. I love the balance I have in my life right now. I also don't have extra money to blow and would feel guilty for attending a party but not buying anything.

But I thought, hey, what the heck. A good, clean evening out with the girls is something I needed. So I went with MacKenzie and Brittney and it turned out to be kinda nice. So I decided I'd host a party myself, on September 18. Now I just have to come up with a list of 30 people to invite by Monday. I don't even think I KNOW 30 people.

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