Saturday, August 29, 2009

LG to Q to BB

It's funny that I had to time-travel backwards in order to get up to speed with the modern age.

A while back, my mom gave me her old cell phone (going on 3 years) thinking I could sell it or maybe even use it as a backup if one of my phones ever broke, since hers was on the same network as what I use now. I put it in a drawer and saved it for a rainy day, not really thinking I'd need it, or that anyone would buy it since it was so old.

Recently the day came that I finally got sick of my phone constantly malfunctioning in annoying little ways. So I dug the Q out of that drawer and took it to the Alltel store to see if it was worth switching. Apparently, even though it's a 3 year old phone, it was still much better than the much newer phone I was using. Interesting, especially since phones are pretty much obsolete these days after a few months of use.

I'm now enjoying my new (old) phone and am still marveling that I had to dig something out of the past to catch up to my peers. Well, sort of. The phone's software is so old that I can't install the Facebook app. I'll probably upgrade to a BB in a few months anyway. You know me... always drooling over the latest in technology.

My only question is... do I want a standard Blackberry or the Storm? Decisions, decisions.

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