Sunday, August 16, 2009

How to be Good

Oh, appetite, where have you gone?

Not that I'm complaining entirely. Of course I'm loving that I don't have to worry about portions for weight-loss purposes. But it would be nice if SOMETHING sounded good to eat on occasion. At the grocery store, Jason kept picking up items and asking, "how about this?" or, "we could make ___ with ___, does that sound good?" and my answer would repeatedly be, "meh."

Speaking of the grocery store...

As we were strolling through, there was a mother with her daughter - I'm guessing oh, maybe 9 years old. The mother just stared into the meat refrigerator, continually ignoring the "mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy" spewing out of the girl's mouth. As a man came down the aisle to squeeze past them, the girl engaged him in a nonsensical jibberish conversation and put her arms out, blocking the aisle. I could tell he was obviously in a rush and was trying to tell the girl he needed to get by, without being rude. The mother continued to ignore her child, letting her stay in this man's way, even though anyone in a 20-foot radius could hear how frustrated the man was.

Should I have said something?

I wanted to, but I'm non-confrontational, so we went down a different aisle.

I couldn't believe how the mother just ignored her child for so long. I swear she was just looking at the meat, not even picking anything up... just staring like she was lost.

We ran across them a couple other times while grocery shopping, and it seemed to be the same story throughout the whole store - "mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy" and "ignore [blank stare] ignore [blank stare] ignore."

I swore I would never become one of those judgmental mothers, but... damn.

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