Saturday, April 25, 2009

A very uncomfortable birth

At what age do you suppose it's alright to explain the truth about how babies are born?

The other day, Tiegan said Sofia was going to come out of mommy's butt. After I laughed good & hard for a minute, I asked who taught her this (because it certainly wasn't me or her father), and with some coaxing, she admitted that Uncle Jimmy told her. I'm not sure if she's just saying that, but if he really did, it was probably just a quick-fix answer to an embarrassing question!

I sat her down with me and was going to explain to her how babies are really born, but she was hyper and distracted and kept interrupting me with totally irrelevant statements. I dropped the subject and she seemed to be unphased. So, I guess I'll let her believe babies come out of butts and we'll just address that issue later, if it ever comes up again. Any tips?

1 comment:

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

ive been wondering that too! We are pretty straight forward with that kind of anatomy up until now, and thought maybe he could handle the fact of HOW the baby gets out. He hasnt really asked how or where, but im not sure what im going to say when he does ask. Im sure when it gets closer, and we start talking more and more that the baby is coming, then it just might pop up in his mind. Im gonna keep an eye on these comments and see what comes up!