Friday, April 24, 2009


I'm endlessly amazed at the things my sweet, nurturing, caring, empathetic, loving little girl says & does.

This afternoon, while we were spending some time at my mom's, my sister came over to finish a school project. She was clearly flustered and in a huge hurry. Later on, when she stopped back by after her presentation, Tiegan gave her a hug. And wouldn't let go. Just stood there and sweetly, silently hugged her Auntie Laura for a minute. This girl had been on the move ALL DAY without a nap, and stopped dead in her tracks just for this moment. When Laura let go and said "Aw Tiegan, I love you," Tiegan replied, "Yeah... When you were here before, you weren't smiling."

It was such a little statement, but it had a big impact. You could tell, just looking at their hug, that Tiegan was trying to somehow mentally float my sister some kind of happiness vibes. It was so touching.

Or maybe I'm just a proud, hormonal mother.

Really though - she is so intuitive to others' moods and emotions, and can instantly tell when you're not feeling well. I rarely admit to her when I'm feeling ill, unless I really need her to just chill out & give me a break. But when I do... she is all over me. In a good way. "Are you OK mommy? Can I help you? What can I get for you? Will a kiss make it better? Is it OK if I hug you? Do you feel better now?" She stays close by in case I ask for any favors. She strokes my hair and pats my cheek. I mean really, this girl is saccharine sweet.

I don't think it's a learned trait. I certainly don't obsess over people like this. Of course I help, treat and and aim to please like any mother/wife would, but she goes above and beyond what any would expect of a 3 year old. She just makes me so proud. I hope her sensitivity doesn't make her too gullible or susceptible to being taken advantage of in the future.

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