Sunday, April 26, 2009

I'm a PC and I'm in the Trash

I wish I had photos of what we've been doing through the fabulous weather we've had the past couple days, but I don't. Honestly, I've been much more concerned with actually experiencing it than worrying about where my camera was. I guess it's for the better anyhow, because my PC (the one I store/edit all my photos on) is a goner... and not being able to upload/review my photos from the weekend right away would be irritating as hell.

I know.... !!! #$*#&@#$*&^#@*$&

That's about how I was feeling tonight when I tried several times to start up the PC, and it kept telling me something about Windows not being able to boot. Wonderful.

This is the same PC that I was going to try & sell. The one I said is only about a year and a half old, and really has no problem other than it wasn't made to handle all the pro software I use. What happened? I don't know. Whenever I'm financially able to replace my main work horse, it's going to be Mac all the way.

Let's also note that about 10 minutes after I gave up on the PC, a Mac commercial came on TV. You know, with Justin Long. It was the new one where the nerdy PC guy keeps racking up small print on the screen. Talk about adding insult to injury.

I've had this iBook since I was 19 (I'm almost 24 now, folks). Confession: I've dropped it. Several times. I've spilled drinks on it. There is electrical tape on the power cord. Its once-pristine white coat is stained and grungy, and the shell is cracked on one corner. In the almost 5 years I've owned it and used it practically every day, not once has it failed me. It's frozen up on me a few times, but never a tough fix. Not ONCE has it needed to be serviced. Not ONCE has it needed any replacement parts, other than the original power cord which was completely my fault.

Sure, it's a little slow at times, but tolerable. This iBook is loved, that's for sure. I don't think I could ever go through with selling it. I might even shed a few tears someday when it goes to Apple heaven in my closet. NERD.

In other news... I'll be starting my job tomorrow! I'm wicked excited. Also a little nervous, but only because I'm 7 months pregnant and have to pee every 10 minutes. I mean really... that could get irritating and not only for me. Normally, I'd just try and hold it like a champ. But you ever notice that you just. can't. concentrate when you really gotta go? And I need concentration. So, we'll all just have to deal with that simple annoying fact. I really want to prove my dedication & reliability. I will work up until the bitter end of this pregnancy. Which won't be too much longer now. Wish me luck!


Emilie said...

good luck! :)

Im sure you will do great!

jessica said...

so my boyfriend had a similar pc problem and was 2 days from tossing the thing and buying a new one...

but then found out his windows was trying to boot from a CD instead of his harddrive, and there was a CD jammed in the drive that he had to manually extract.

i think he had to do that thing where you hit F-something while you start up to get to the freaky diagnostic screen. if that's helpful at all. lol.

i bought my first mac about a year and a half ago. people give me shit for having such an expensive/elitist machine, but in a year and a half, i've suffered little battery-life, only one strange problem (and i was still under Apple Care) and that's it! definitely worth the extra bucks.

good luck on your first day! exciting :-)