Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sticks, Buds and Vitamins

What a gorgeous day today. Unfortunately it's still a little chilly for my taste (55 degrees), but a welcome change from the other day! Tiegan and I had a hard time getting outside today. It seemed everything was against us. I wanted to wait til it was a little later in the afternoon (therefore warmer), so naptime came first. Even after I showered, made lunch, and picked up the kitchen & living room, I still didn't quite have the energy to get us out the door. We played around upstairs for a while, picking out sweaters and scarves to wear. You'd think we were born & raised down south, the way neither of us can handle the cold. Then, we decided to sweep the porch which was covered in buds from the neighbor's tree (ugh - such a mess). Afterwards, Tiegan was picking up sticks in the yard. This is something she's loved to do ever since we lived in the city. We had a stick-pile in the back because there were several trees bordering our yard. Every week or so we'd go outside, pick up all the sticks from the yard & throw them in the pile so it was clear for Jason to mow. I'm getting off topic. We decided to gather a handful of sticks to arrange in a vase. I thought it'd be an interesting idea. I just didn't realize we don't have a vase the right size/weight. Oh well. We had fun picking up sticks anyway - something not many people can say, I'll bet.

A little later, we sat out on the dock. In the sunshine. We looked for fish, but didn't see any. The water was cold. Tiegan threw sticks and tree-buds in the water, saying she was feeding the lake its vitamins (C, to be precise). I asked if these were good for people, too, and she said no - we just take regular human vitamins. Of course - I should have known.

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