Monday, April 20, 2009

Upon a Shooting Star

I had a 2nd interview today.

I'm pretty sure it went well. I was a little nervous to start off with, and as usual, bumbled about my words for a second or two. I'm not used to talking about myself. But once I relaxed and realized they are people too, it was smooth sailing. They are pretty darn hospitable at this particular establishment, I must say. I'd be happy to be a part of the whole thing.

Sorry to keep you in the dark. I'm trying not to give too much away at this point, for fear or jinxing myself. I really, really want this to go through for me.

It's too bad that if I do get the job, I have to ask for a few weeks off in July right off the bat. But nobody can help the timing, and I think they understand that.

I should be hearing the official verdict in the next couple days. Is it too early to go work-clothes shopping? Is it still jinxing if I keep the receipt and the tags on?


MacKenzie said...

It's too early. Don't go until you know for sure. <---that is your extremely superstitious friend talking. BTW, I also need to go work clothes shopping b/c all of mine don't fit anymore. I was freakishly small before I got preggo. So if you get the job, lets make a day out of it and hit up either BirchRun or Howell Outlets! I need a lot of clothes for as little amount of money possible.

Nicole said...

Congratulations! I hope that you hear back from them soon... and hear back with GOOD news! I'd hold off on shopping... wait until you hear back from them.