Friday, April 24, 2009

30 Weeks

Sorry, more crappy cell phone photos again. Maybe I will have Jason take some decent photos for me this weekend, if time (and natural sunlight) allows!

I got this super cute sundress & leggings at Kmart. Can you believe it? (The sundress is not Maternity... I think it's actually just a regular sz. medium). The ruffle just accentuates my big-ness, but what the heck. It will be cute post-partum too, as a swimsuit cover up or what-have-you. I know, I know, I have shopping plans with a couple of you. Oops. I couldn't help myself, though... went to Kmart for cheap summer clothes for Tiegan, and a couple grocery items. I always come out of that store with more than I planned for a couple reasons: 1. prices & sales, and 2. lack of competing customers. There is hardly ever anyone else in there. That's one reason I can't stand going to Walmart - it is always packed with stupid people.

Notice the boards behind the mirror in these shots... yep - still no headway in Sofia's room. It doesn't bother me so much anymore. We'll get it done, and I have faith in that. I think today's amazing sunshine has bleached my brain.

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