Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tech Woes

Ah, the Money Monster is biting me in the butt. I am starting to contemplate what I can sell around here that will profit enough for me to be able to acquire one of these bad boys:

Ahh, wouldn't it be glorious? Right now, my computer situation is this:

Desktop: HP Slimline PC (Vista) - 2g memory, and a lovely 400g hard drive.
Laptop: Apple iBook G4 - I haven't used it for "work" (photo retouching/organizing/graphic design) in so long that I wouldn't even be able to tell you the stats - only that "working" on it is no longer an option. It just doesn't... "work".

Telling ya right now, selling these 2 computers (17" LCD monitor included with the PC) wouldn't get me enough to buy a MacBook. Unfortunately, I may have to resort to yet another inexpensive Windows PC to get me by. Being a tried-and-true Mac lover, totally giving up my iBook (even though it's only useful for web browsing and word processing) for a PC would be a very, very sad day for me.

I'm one of those people that gets all warm, fuzzy and goosebumpy about new technology. Apple's displays are top notch right now. The color depth is amazing - I could retouch photos all day long on a new MacBook or iMac. Not that you want to hear me go on and on...

My setup gets me by, and I guess that's all I can ask for until a boatload of money comes in. The only frustration I have with my HP PC (the work horse) is that it gets overloaded and shuts down. I can't convert more than 5 RAW photos at a time without it just up & quitting. Talk about DRIVING ME CRAZY when I have 500+ photos to batch convert. I can't even play my favorte game: FlipWords! I don't know if it's a lack of memory or if it's overheating. Either way, upgrading the memory won't do any good (apparently the 32bit system can't handle it?) and I've done everything I can if overheating is the problem - cleaned the fan, kept it well ventilated, all that junk. Bottom line is: when photography season gets busy and I have lots of computer work to do, I am going to be one frustrated b*tch.

I thought about saving up for a bottom-line new iMac, but I think I'd rather be portable. A 17" MacBook Pro is really what I'd prefer, and it's really not that much more expensive. I don't do a whole lot of traveling, but I can't imagine living without a laptop if I ever did venture away from here. Besides - I could take it on-location and show clients proofs on it.

Aaaand what I've realized in writing all this, is that it's a whole lot of ME ME ME and you probably don't care WHAT the heck computer I'm using, just quit complaining already. HA.

So, any ideas or suggestions? Open to the public now.

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