Monday, November 2, 2009

All Hallows Eve

Our Halloween was interesting. Tiegan has been very hot & cold on the subject, so much that I have half a mind to think she may be bipolar (she exhibits this trait in every aspect of life). OK, so I won't be that drastic - she's only 3... but it's something to keep in mind.

Last week, we grabbed a couple pumpkins from Adams Farm Market (thanks to Nicole's mentioning of the place!). They were beautiful, by the way. The day before Halloween, we carved them.

Tiegan was stoked all day. She couldn't WAIT to make jack-o-lanterns. I told her we would do it after dinner, if she ate enough. [She's a very light grazer]. We had pizza, and after about 3 bites, she asked, "OK, did I have enough of my dinner to carve pumpkins?" Since it's a special occasion, I said yes.

We went online and picked out pictures of jack-o-lanterns that we liked and I drew sketches to use as reference. She was giddy giddy giddy. She helped dry off the pumpkins as they'd been sitting in the rain. She grabbed a marker and was ready to draw. Jason and I cut off the tops of the pumpkins and started digging inside, handing Tiegan a big spoon. She was OK for the first couple scoops, but it was downhill from there.

I encouraged her to reach in with her hand.
Big mistake.

She wouldn't do it, so while she wasn't paying attention, I took her hand and touched the goo with it.


This tantrum, with full-on screaming and wailing, lasted at least 20 minutes.

I apologized over and over (which I don't usually do - normally I take the "buck up" approach) and promised I wouldn't make her touch the goo again. Then all was well with the world, and we went about our carving.

The finished products...

The next day, on Halloween itself, Tiegan couldn't wait to go over to Gram Fifi & Boppy's (my mom & dad) house to get her costume on. My mom had spent weeks sewing it, and was putting the final touches on her hat. Our plan was to spend a little while there, then visit Jason's parents and grandparents, then go home & trick or treat at a couple close neighbors' houses.

Here's the Witchy Poo herself...

She was just fine visiting family and getting candy from them, but when it came time to trick or treat at the neighbors' houses, she wanted none of it. We had to explain to her that you don't actually go IN to the strangers' houses - you just stand at their front door. I still can't figure out why she didn't want to do it, because she is really outgoing. I cannot think of one circumstance in which this girl has been shy. But little ones have ways of surprising us, so I guess that could be it.

So, we had our ups and downs, but the ups were wonderful.

We didn't dress Sofia up - just got a $5 sleeper at Target with little monsters/aliens on it. Kind of boyish, but who cares? Super cute.

I haven't really been into Halloween myself since I was a kid, but maybe next year the whole fam will dress up and do a theme. Any ideas?

See the full-size photos from this post here, at my Flickr site.


Nicole said...

That is the most darling witch costume!!

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

what a great looking witch costume! Even down to the ribbons to tie it!! Did you/someone make it?